AKSDC Teachers' Assistant Programme

The Ashley Kriel Skills Development Centre’s Teacher Assistant Programme is a programme for 12 months, and aims at equipping candidates with skills and experience in working with learners at school within your community or surrounding neighbourhoods.  Candidates will be assigned to Primary and High Schools for the entire duration of the programme.

Some will learn to function as teacher assistance, while those who prefer the outdoors may even assist educators with extra-mural activities such as drama, sport and excursions. The practical experience will stand candidates in good stead to gain school experience and facilitation skills for the entire duration of the programme within a classroom setting.

The journey does not end there. The Ashley Kriel Skills Development Centre will also seek opportunities of internships, learnerships and jobs for you and assist you with developing your own CV and equip you with job-interviewing skills as part of our exit strategy. We hope that the experience is positive where the TA’s are willing to service others and wo we regard SERVITUDE as the most important value that they can demonstrate. Cementing the AKSDC principal and values in our communities.